

ShoppingBuddy is an innovative AI shopping assistant designed to seamlessly guide users in exploring, communicating about, and purchasing products online...
Freemium version
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Product Information


ShoppingBuddy is an innovative AI shopping assistant designed to seamlessly guide users in exploring, communicating about, and purchasing products online.

How to use

1. Register for early access by entering your email address.
2. Get updates and join an exclusive community.
3. Link ShoppingBuddy to your preferred online retailers.
4. Utilize the AI-enabled chat interface to discover products and receive tailored recommendations.
5. Refine your search with ShoppingBuddy's robust filtering features.
6. Delight in a conversational shopping experience and make purchases with ease.

Useful cases

Effortlessly exploring a diverse selection of products from various online retailers
Quickly accessing personalized product suggestions
Making online purchases with little effort
Swiftly locating specific items on the internet

Core features

  • User-friendly chat-based shopping interface
  • Integration with popular e-commerce platforms
  • AI-driven product search capabilities
  • Efficient filtering of products through AI technology
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