Quickly and innovative identification of plagiarism in your content using advanced AI technology...
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Quickly and innovative identification of plagiarism in your content using advanced AI technology.

How to use

To utilize GPTZero, simply enter the text you wish to verify into the designated field, or upload a document in formats such as .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .txt. GPTZero will examine the text and deliver an overall detection outcome, along with highlighting particular sentences where AI generation has been identified. For extensive texts and batch file analyses, you can register for a free account on their Dashboard or install the Chrome extension, Origin, to check web pages during your browsing sessions.

Useful cases

GPTZero is extensively employed across numerous fields and scenarios. Common applications include:
Legal: The tool can be used to authenticate legal documents or identify AI-generated material in legal texts.
Social Writing Platforms: Content creators, bloggers, or forum moderators can verify that the content shared on their platforms is not AI-generated.
Education: Educators utilize GPTZero to spot AI-generated work in student submissions, raise awareness about AI risks, and create assessments that encourage students to convey their knowledge authentically.
Hiring and Recruitment: HR teams can leverage GPTZero to detect AI-generated cover letters or resumes, ensuring the legitimacy of job applications.
Publishing: Authors and publishers can evaluate manuscripts for potential AI plagiarism or content produced by AI systems.

Core features

  • GPTZero includes several essential features, such as:
  • A Chrome extension (Origin) for efficient AI content detection while navigating the web.
  • Detailed writing reports that contain statistics, AI content evaluation, and video recordings of the writing process.
  • Dashboard for educators, featuring a premium model specifically trained for applications in student writing and ed-tech.
  • AI detection capabilities for ChatGPT, GPT4, Bard, LLaMa, and other AI frameworks.
  • Batch file analysis that allows users to upload and evaluate multiple documents simultaneously.
  • API integration for organizations seeking to embed GPTZero's AI detection functionalities into their tools and operational workflows.
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