Не подписался - без нейросетей остался 🤷Занимался ИИ и Data Science до того, как это стало мейнстримом 🧑💻Senior Data Scientist, кандидат наук и тиктокер 👨🎓Обучение нейро..
The latest AI News, AI Tools, Tech News. From AGI and Generative AI, to the latest on Natural Language Processing and the best virtual assistant in the AI Techscape.Our commitme..
AI technology is being integrated everywhere. You're here to stay updated on the best AI Tools and Apps, as well as keep up to date on all the latest AI News.I aim to help educ..
Hi there! Thanks for checking out my channel. Me in 3 words: Economist turned data nerd. I'm a Data science consultant by profession in the past 5 years, based in the Netherlands. ..
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